IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM v1.2.5, there are NO changes to PayPal or other payment modules.
If you are upgrading from 1.2.4 or earlier, and are using PayPal, you'll need to REMOVE and re-INSTALL the paypal payment module in Admin->Modules->Payment, after upgrading.
If you need a reference for paypal settings, see the Zen Cart + Paypal Setup document in the /docs folder, or refer to the paypal site for technical documentation.
Whats New ...
The following are the changes in v1.2.6d:
- Fixed some significant bugs in the logout processes ... related to session-handling
- Bugfix and code-cleanup in admin/categories.php so that images are no longer deleted when merely editing a category's description
- Bugfix related to fmod() function being used incorrectly
- Bugfix in shopping_cart class for Always Free Shipping for zones etc where price is used
- Bugfix in shopping_cart class for $product-> vs $products->
- Moved CATEGORIES_TABS_STATUS define from tpl_header.php to configuration table in DB
- Included all bugfixes and patches from/since 1.2.5d
- "Demo" admin account is no longer created via default install
- ob_flush() fixes in admin/newsletters and prod-notification modules
- Bugfix: Prices are no longer hidden from administrators when down for maintenance
- Bugfix in metatags where "Display prices with tax" was not including tax in TITLE metatag.
- Bugfix in metatags where custom keywords were getting duplicated in some cases
- Bugfix in meta tag description to use products_description when not customized
- Bugfix to meta_tags module previously causing override to not work
- Bugfix to GV_redeem where coupons weren't getting set to inactive properly
- Bugfix to html_output so that "?" is used as initial separator for static pages
- Removed extra blank line at end of account-password header_php page
- Bugfixes to query_factory to better handle use of multiple open connections when needed
- Added clarification to 'ERROR_ADMIN_SECURITY_WARNING' in the admin english.php
- Bugfix to catalog-side english.php related to language overrides for CC defines
- Bugfix to checkout_process to prevent generation of orders containing no items
- Reverted the Products Purchased report in admin to use earlier query for results reporting
- Bugfix for admin activity log table to allow for more than 32,000 records
- Bugfix for admin password validation of login name and password
- Bugfix for new-admin-user error that loses the right panel on insert
- Bugfix for duplicate customers_id in select for orders listing
- Bugfix for missing customers_company from orders listing
- Adjustment made to accommodate 1and1 hosting issues related to SSL detection
- Bugfix to admin downloads manager where an array_merge() error would appear on newer PHP versions
- Bugfix: Increased user_agent field in whos_online to support longer data-strings
- Added order shipping info to admin orders infobox
- Bugfix to provide "Login to Shop" link instead of Add to Cart if store requires approval
- Bugfix for Customer Authorization to show prices pending approval
- Bugfix for attributes to show prices on CUSTOMERS_APPROVAL_AUTHORIZATION == 3
- Bugfix to the "add selected products to cart" top/bottom button placement
- Bugfix to admin orders page where customer/company info not shown properly during delete
- Bugfix to orders class code related to storing attribute info in order history
- Bugfix to payment modules causing checkout to halt even on free products in some cases
- Bugfix to pagination in various admin pages
The following are additions to v1.2.6d:
- Added Site Security Recommendations document to the /docs folder for tips on securing your site effectively
- Added option to installer to enable/disable the "check for version updates" option without having to set it in the Admin area. This is only useful for those who "know" they need to disable it right at install time. In most cases this isn't necessary, unless working totally offline with no internet connection
- Please be sure to review and apply the Site Security Recommendations to your site prior to taking your shop "live". If uncertain about how site security applies to you, talk to your web host to ensure that you have proper measures in place.
Notes for Upgraders ... from v1.2.4 or v1.2.5 to v1.2.6
- In the /includes/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/common/tpl_header.php there "was" a DEFINE for CATEGORIES_TABS_STATUS. In v1.2.6, this has been moved to the admin menu.
IF YOU ARE USING THIS FEATURE, you will need to re-enable it by going into the admin menu and setting it back to 1, since the upgrade sets it to 0 by default.
The new location for it is:
Admin->Configuration->Layout Settings->Categories Tabs Status